* With out a doubt this property in the 14 lot proposed subdivision has the most spectacular views but will not have a dwelling entitlement so is suitable for many lifestyle pursuits.
* This exclusive subdivision area which has been held by the same ownerships for many years is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
* The property is a mixture of beautiful valley country with rich dark soils, a creek meanders through the valley, there is forrested and rain forrest pockets, and the best Mountain Views.
* Property is very suitable for cattle, and is predominately breeder country.
* The access to the block will be via easement through lot 12, this and all blocks will have a bore.
* Full block list available from agent.
* 6,7 and 8 adjoin National Park.
* 20 kms to the village of Drake, 65kms to Tenterfield, 85kms to Casino, road out takes you through a lovely rain forrest drive.
* Set in a very private location, price firm.