
134 Sugarbag Rd W, Drake NSW 2469

10.81 ha


134 Sugarbag Rd W, Drake NSW 2469

10.81 ha

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* Set in a very private location with views right out to Mallanganee range , this high set mountain to valley property is set on 10.81 ha or just over 26 acres.
* The property has been left untouched for many years, was very overgrown and has recently had a controlled burn throughout the property to tidy it up.
* The previous owner had plans to build an octagonal house facing the awesome views and has a full set of plans available for the new owners if required, slabs and drainage etc complete for this. ( subject to submitting a dwelling application to council )
* There is a 2 bay open steel shed close by , rock walls have been built by had throughout the property with rock pools as the owner grew bonsais commercially.
* There is also several large caged areas for veggies, and a small fruit orchard.
* The fencing is ok, but along the Sugarbag rd needs attention, travelling stock route runs along the back of the property with good tracks into the forrest.
* At the bottom of the block there is a hardwood cabin that needs the floor replacing and has a dam right next to it, an adjoining tank, wood fire inside.
* Closer to the orchard is a very large spring fed dam , which has a large open paddock area suitable for grazing or veggies etc.
* Good stands of natural hardwoods suitable for on farm use or building.
* In the 19 fires an old shack burnt down and there is tin remnants, this will be removed as a condition of sale.
* Drake village is just 4 kms away to the highway, Tenterfield in 54 kms, Casino 72kms, Qld border in around 1.5 - 2 hours.
Agent discloses bush fires in 2019.
All information contained herein by Amanda Johnson Realty is gathered from sources we deem to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.


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